From the book entitled: The Biographical directory of the
railway officials of America
Publisher: Railway Age Pub. Co., 1901,p. 501.
Charles Benjamin Rhodes, General Passenger Agent Georgia Southern
& Florida Ry. Office Macon, Ga. Born Jan. 9, 1874, Educated in the
public schoois of Bibb County. Ga. Entered railway service 1890 as
clerk local freight department Georgia Southern & Florida Ry at
Macon, Ga.. since which he has been consecutively clerk store keeper's
department, clerk general passenger office, assistant ticket agent and
rlerk superintendent's office same road at Macon; clerk general
manager's office Macon & Northern Rd; clerk master mechanic's
office Atlanta & Charlotte division Richmond & Danville Rd at
Atlanta, Ga.; clerk superintendent's office Richmond & Danville Rd
at Atlanta; assistant ticket agent Union Depot at Macon; chief clerk
general passenger department Georgia Southern & Florida Ry at
Macon; Florida passenger agent same road at Jacksonville, Fla.; May 1.
1899 to date, general passenger agent same road.