B.B. Rhodes was born in 1826, in what is now Blair county, and was a son of Philip and Rachel Rhodes, nee
Miller. Philip Rhodes died about 1846, aged fifty five years. Mrs. Rhodes was born about
1800, and is still living in Blair county, aged over eighty years. Mr. Rhodes came to Indiana county about
1850 and lived with Montgomery Thompson for about seven or eight years as miller at the mill still
standing on Altman's run. He was in Minnesota for upwards of eighteen months. After returning he was
married, about 1850, to Josephine Thompson, and removed to his farm, situated in Black-lick township,
and has lived there the greater part of the time since. On April 1, 1880, he leased his farm and moved to
Livermore, Westmoreland county, and is now engaged
in Superintending the steam flouring mills at that
place. He was elected and served as justice of the peace for three years. The only child of B. B. Rhodes
and Josephine Rhodes is Agnes. This tract of land was warranted by Thomas Nonair, and patented by
John Elder. The name of the tract is "St. Johns." The warrant is dated February 23, 1785.
History of Indiana County, PA
By J. A. Caldwell
1880, page 443.