From: Title: The history and antiquities of Morley, in the west riding of the county of York (England)
Author: William Smith (F.S.A.S.)
Publisher: Longmans, Green, & co., 1876. Page 118-119
Manoah RHODES, J.P., was born at Morley on the 7th of March, 1810. His
father, Joseph Rhodes, was in comfortable circumstances, as a farmer
and manufacturer of "healds and slays," used in the woollen trade. At
an early age the son was sent to the Endowed Grammar School at Batley,
distant three miles from Morley, and the daily journey to and fro was
often most wearisome, especially in winter time, when the roads were in
execrable condition. Batley was, at that time, more of an agricultural
than a manufacturing village, and gave no signs of the great change
which half a century has effected, in transforming the place from a
rural country village into a large manufacturing town, with a mayor and
corporation, gigantic mills and manufactories, and palatial residences.
On the 9th day of November, 1822, young Rhodes took his leave of
Morley, and walked over to Bradford, to enter upon an apprenticeship
with Mr. John Allott, silversmith, Ivegate, with whom he remained for
fourteen years, serving him faithfully. In 1836, Mr. Rhodes commenced
business on his own account, and from a very humble beginning is now,
after a prosperous career of forty years, head of the well-known firm
of Manoah Rhodes and Sons, one of the largest gold and silversmiths'
businesses in the North of England.
In 1852, Mr. Rhodes was initiated into the Order of Freemasonry, and
has since that time filled nearly all the offices in the craft, below
that of d: P. G. Master. Whilst Master of his own lodge, he was
honoured by the G. M. Earl de Grey, accepting his hospitality.
When the subject of incorporating the borough of Bradford was mooted,
Mr. Rhodes took a veiy active and prominent part in furthering the
movement, and bringing about the incorporation, which was effected in
1847. Fifteen or sixteen years ago, he occupied a seat in the Town
Council for a term of four years. lie has not since taken any very
prominent part in local politics, and only re-entered the council
chamber in 1871, as one of the members for the North Ward. In November,
1873, he was elected Mayor of the borough of Bradford, and in proposing
him for the office," Aid. M. Dawsou spoke as follows:—" Mr. Rhodes was
one of the few men who had not made an enemy, either political or
religious. He believed it was just fifty-one years on Sunday—Lord
Mayor's day—that Mr. Rhodes had entered the good old town of Bradford;
and during the whole of that time, no one had found any express their
sense of satisfaction with the manner in which he had discharged the
duties of Mayor.
Some few months ago, Mr. Rhodes was placed on the list of borough
magistrates, since which time he has regularly fulfilled the duties of
the bench in a very able and efficient manner.
Mr. Rhodes has never taken any very prominent part in political
matters. In early life he belonged to the old Whig party, but for some
years his leanings have been towards the Conservative interest. In
religion he has identified himself with the Wesleyan Methodists, and
has contributed liberally to its various organisations, and at the same
time, according to his ability, has materially assisted any good
movement in the Church, or amongst other denominations, as well as the
various charities in Bradford.
Mr. Rhodes was married in 1836 to Ann, daughter of Joseph AVatson,
cloth maker, Morley, and niece of the late Isaac Crowther, Esq., of
Croft House, Morley, by whom he has a family of six sons and two
daughters. AVe have pleasure in being able to present our readers with
a life-liko portrait of this "village worthy," the lessons of whose
life are worth remembering, for, though it contains no adventures or
events of an exciting nature, yet it serves to show how high and worthy
a position may be attained by steady perseverance, plodding industry,
and honourable dealings; and proves that " excellence is never granted
to man but as. the reward of labour," for " if you have great talents,
industry will improve them; if moderate abilities, it will supply their