The following is through the courtesy of Tim Masloski: ,
Surnames: Rhodes, Fowler, Wood, Purdy
Transcribed from SAMPUBCO copy by Timothy Masloski
Ulster, NY Will Book Vol. M, page 571
At a Surrogate court held in and for the county of Ulster at the Surrogates
office in Kingston on the thirtieth day of August 1852.
The last will and testament of Zadock Rhoads late of the town of Marlborough
in the county of Ulster deceased was admitted to probate and proved as a
will of real and personal Estate which said will with the proofs and
Examinations taken thereon are in the words and figures following towit:
The last will and testament of Zadock Rhoads of the town of Marlborough in
the county of Ulster and Stae of New York. I Zadock Rhoads being of sound
mind and memory do make and publish this my last will and testament in
manner and form following that is to say. First. It is my will that all my
just debts and funeral expenses be paid by my sons herein after named as
soon as conveniently may be after my decease. Secondly; I give and devise
unto my beloved wife Ann the use of the one third part of my real Estate
during her natural life which shall be in lieu of her right of dower in my
said Estate. Thirdly: I give and bequeath unto my daughter Loretta Purdy one
hundred dollars, to my daughter Hannahretta Fowler one hundred dollars, to
my daughter Rachel Jane one hundred and twenty five dollars; to my daughter
Mary Catherine one hundred and fifty dollars to be paid to them by my
Executors hereinafter names within six months after my decease out of any
monies which I may have or [had?] or the proceeds of any bonds or notes of
which I may die seized. Fourthly. I give and bequeath unto my daughters
Betsy Ann Church, Loretta Purdy, Hannahretta Fowler, Rachel Jane Wood, and
Mary Catherine Rhoads all my notes bonds and
mortgages, book amounts money in the banks, and household furniture, and
also all monies of which I may die seized (excepting so much of the same as
shall be necessary to pay the legacies herein before bequeathed to my said
daughters Loretta Purdy Hannahretta Fowler, Rachel Jane Wood and Mary
Catherine to be divided between them equally share and share alike. Fifthly.
I give and devise unto my son Lewis G. Rhoads the small lot which I
purchased of Lewis Wygant containing about two acres of land to him his heir
and assigns forever.
Sixthly I give devise and bequeath unto my two sons John L. Rhoads and Lewis
G. Rhoads the remainder of my personal estate to be divided between them
equally, also all the remainder of my real Estate to them their heirs and
assigns forever to be equally divided between them. Lastly, I hereby
nominate and appoint my said sons John L Rhoads and Lewis G. Rhoads
Executors to this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former
wills by me made, In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal
the 11th day of June in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty nine.
Zadock Rhoads [L.S.] Signed sealed published and declared by the said
testator as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who at
his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto
subscribed our names as witnesses thereto.
Richd J. Woolsey
D.W. Woolsey Both of the town of Marlborough
Surrogates Court County of Ulster.
In the matter of proving the last will and testament of Zadock Rhoads
deceased LS. David W. Woolsey of the town of Marlborough in the county of
Ulster being duly affirmed and examined before Henry Brodhead Jr. Surrogate
of the county of Ulster deposes and says that he was well acquainted with
Zadock Rhoads the testator now declared that he was present as a witness and
did see the said testator subscribe his name at the end of the instrument in
writing now produced and shown to the deponent bearing date the Eleventh day
of June in the year one thousand Eight hundred and forty nine purporting to
be the last will and testament of the said testator, that deponent at the
request of the said testator drew and wrote the said last will and testament
that he received the said will from the said testator immediately after the
execution thereof and that the same remained in the custody of this deponent
until on or about the tenth day of July last when he handed the same to John
L. Rhoads one of the Executors therein named, that the said testator at the
time of making the said subscription declared the instrument so subscribed
by him to be his last will and testament, and requested this deponent to
sign his name as a witness thereto thereupon this deponent accordingly
signed his name as a witness at the end of the will at the request of the
testator, this deponent further says that the testator at the time he
executed the said instruemnt was acitizen of the United States of full age
of sound mindd and memory and not under restraint and that this depont saw
Ricard J. Woolsey of the town of
Marlborough int he County of Ulster who is now deceased sign the said
instrument at the end thereof as a witness in the presence of the said
testator and at his like request. D.W. Woolsey Affirmed this 30th day of
August 1852 before me Henry Brodhead Jr. Surrogate Surrogates Court County
of Ulster
In the matter of approving the last will and testament of Zadock Rhoads
County of Ulster for Jonathan d: Ostrander
of the town of Kingston in said county being duly sworn and examined before
Henry Brodhead Jr. Surrogate of the County of Ulster doth depose and say
that he was well acquainted with Richard J. Woolsey late of the town of
Marlborough in said county decd and with his manner and style of writing
having seen him write and that he verily believes the signature "Richard J
Woolsey" signed as a witness to the instrument in writing now produced and
shown to this deponent bearing the date the 11th day of June 1849 purporting
to be the last will and testament of Zadock Rhoads decd is the true and
genuine hand writing and signature of the said Richard J Woolsey. Jon d:
Sworn this 30th of August 1852 before me Henry Brodhead Jr. Surrogate
In the matter of approving the last will and testament of Zadock Rhoads decd
LS: Lewis G Rhoads of Marlborough in the County of being duly sworn and
examined before Henry Brodhead Jr. Surrogate of the County of Ulster deposes
and says that he was well acquainted with Zadock Rhoads late late [sic] of
the town of Marlborough in said County the testator now deceased and with
his manner and style of writing having often seen him write and that he
verily believes the signature "Zadock Rhoads," signed to the instrument in
writing now produced and shown to deponent bearing the date the Eleventh day
of June in the year one thousand Eight hundred and forty nine purporting to
be the last will and testament of the said Zadock Rhoads decd is the true
and genuine hand writing and signature of the said Zadock Rhoads.
Lewis G. Rhoads
Sworn & subscribed this 30th day
of August 1852 before me Henry Brodhead Jr. Surrogate
Ulster County LS. Recorded the foregoing last will & testament of Zadock
Rhoads decd together with proofs and examinations taken thereon which record
is now here signed & certified by me this 30th day of August 1852
H Brodhead Jr. Surrogate