Category: British History

The Battle of Great Bridge Dec. 9, 1775

9 Dec.1775, the Revolutionary War Battle of Great Bridge VA was fought, which was one first battles of the American Revolution in the south. Fighting on the Continental side the 2nd VA Reg., and the Culpeper Minutemen, with Colonel Vail NC men. At least one Rhodes was there, namely, Pvt. William Rhodes of the 2nd Virginia. See: On the Crowns side was 14th Reg. of Foot, Royal Ethiopian Reg., and Queen’s Own Loyal Virginia Reg. The Continentals where the victors. Was called by some of the time as the second Battle of Bunker Hill. See:

A Narrative of a Revolutionary Soldier by Joseph Plumb Martin in MP3

Journals from the American Revolution are few and far between, and ones from the common soldier are almost nonexistent. Pvt. Joseph Plumb Martin, was one of latter, that suffered and sacrificed as many of our ancestors had to make the country what it is today. The journal is called “A Narrative of a Revolutionary Soldier by Joseph Plumb Martin”. It was originally published in the 1830, when Martin was an elderly man, but his diary begins in the early days of the war when he was a young spirited teenager and follows him through to the the war. The journal was lost to history but was rediscovers in the 1950s, after which it has been reprinted in one form or the another since. Thank in part to the internet we can now download the book in its entirety absolutely free. This following link is audiobook but in MP3 format, A Narrative of a Revolutionary Soldier by Joseph Plumb Martin

A Revolutionary War soldiers Thanksgiving

In my last post I wrote of my favorite book, and one I recommend, the journal of a Revolutionary War Private, called “A Narrative of a Revolutionary Soldier by Joseph Plumb Martin. The following is an exert of the book where he wrote of a Thanksgiving day celebration of 1777.

While we lay here (in "the Gulf") there was a Continental thanksgiving ordered by Congress; and as the army had all the cause in the world to be particularly thankful, if not for being well off, at least that it was no worse, we were ordered to participate in it. We had nothing to eat for two or three days previous, except what the trees of the fields and forests afforded us. But we must now have what Congress said–a sumptuous thanksgiving to close the year of high living we had now nearly seen brought to a close. Well–to add something extraordinary to our present stock of provisions–our country, ever mindful of its suffering army, opened her sympathizing heart so wide, upon this occasion, as to give us something to make the world stare. And what do you think it was, reader? -Guess.- You cannot guess, be you as much of a Yankee as you will. I will tell you: it gave each and every man half a gill of rice, and a table spoon full of vinegar!!

After we had made sure of this extraordinary superabundant donation, we were ordered out to attend a meeting and hear a sermon delivered upon the occasion. We accordingly went, for we could not help it. I heard a sermon, a “thanksgiving sermon,” what sort of one I do not know now, nor did I at the time I heard it. I had something else to think “And the soldiers said unto him, And what shall we do? And he said unto them, Do violence to no man, nor accuse any one falsely.”

The preacher ought to have added the remainder of the sentence (from Luke 3:14) to have made it complete: "And be content with your wages.” But that would not do, it would be too apropos; however, he heard it as soon as the service was over, it was shouted from a hundred tongues.

Well– we had got through the services of the day and had nothing to do but to return in good order to our tents and fare as we could. As we returned to our camp, we passed by our Commissary’s quarters; all his stores, consisting of a barrel about two thirds full of hocks of fresh beef, stood directly in our way, but there was a sentinel guarding even that; however, one of my messmates purloined a piece of it, four or five pounds perhaps. I was exceeding glad to see him take it; I thought it might help to eke out our thanksgiving supper; but, alas! how soon my expectations were blasted! The sentinel saw him have it as soon as I did and obliged him to return it to the barrel again. So I had nothing else to do but to go home and make out my supper as usual, upon a leg of nothing and no turnips.

The Food that Fueled the American Revolution

With many of our holidays food makes can make up an essential part of the festive celebrations like Easter’s eggs, and the Thanksgiving turkey, but what of Independence Day? I likely candidate for the 4th of July is a good old cookout of burgers, hotdogs and the like, huh? It is true our forefathers in the American Army during the Revolution would have mostly been cooking over an open fire, but many times the vittles would have been less that appetizing, sometimes nauseating and often nonexistent. With the our enlisted men living on “fire cakes” which was nothing more flour mixed with water, rapped around a bayonet then cooked over an open fire, and meat if they got may be spoiled. The has a short article of the food during the war that is worth a look. Remember all what our ancestors suffered and sacrificed for on this up and coming Independence Day.
Here is the link: The Food that Fueled the American Revolution

With St. Patrick’s day coming up:

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With St. Patrick’s day on it’s way, my daughter Autumn Rhodes who is an Irish musician, told me about an interesting webpage from Have you ever wondered where your Irish relatives may have been living in Ireland in the 1800s? Go to the Geo-Genealogy Irish surnames map page, type in a their Irish surnames, and it will show where in Ireland they were living according to the 1890 census.

Again, here is the link: Geo-Genealogy Irish surnames map
Geo-Genealogy Irish surnames map

The Story of English, the documentary

First, a couple of little facts about English, the language we speak. Did you know that the word “husband” is from the Vikings, while “wife” is of Germanic origin? The television documentary The Story of English was an Emmy Award-winning nine-part series that was produced in 1986 for BBC and PBS television. The series details the development of the English language from early times in English history to the present, with its influence throughout the world during modern time. I vividly recall when I first saw the series in 1986; it made such an impression me that decades later, I would relay to my daughter and others what impact it made on me in understanding the language and how we speak it today. The Story of English was originally broadcast with a companion book, and the series was released as a 5-tape box set in 2001, running 495 minutes. The book and series have been used in University courses. Now, thanks to the information age and the internet we can see this great documentary once more. Of course, you will find some of it is a little dated since it’s from the 1980’s, but history is history. It is definitely my favorite documentary and is a must-see in my opinion.
Here is the video of the documentary in its entirety:

[youtube 7FtSUPAM-uA&list=PL6D54D1C7DAE31B36 nolink]