Category: Just for fun’

The Charlie Brown and Franz Stigler incident, 20 December, 1943

The Charlie Brown and Franz Stigler incident occurred on the 20 December, 1943, when, after a successful bomb run on Bremen, Charles ‘Charlie’ Brown’s B-17 Flying Fortress (named “Ye Olde Pub”) was severely damaged by German fighters. Luftwaffe pilot and ace Franz Stigler had an opportunity to shoot down the crippled bomber, but instead, for humanitarian reasons, decided to allow the crew to fly back to their airfield in England.

Bf 109 pilot Franz Stigler and B-17 pilot Charlie Brown’s first meeting:

Categories: Just for fun'

College Humor’s ‘The War Of 1812’ The Movie (a parody)

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College Humor's 'The War Of 1812'
First off, this post is not intended as disrespect to our ancestors, family members, and other brave Americans that fought and died in the war. It is though, to question what, if anything did we learn, or what little was taught on the subject from our middle school history book about the War of 1812.

Here is the link to the video, enjoy:

Categories: Just for fun'

Like a Phoenix out of the flames

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Back in 2005, I had a Genealogy quote generator on this website. I removed it for a couple of different reasons. Now, I thought I’d bring it back. It’s at the top of the any of the pages, and each day, it will usually have a different quote.


Categories: Genealogy Just for fun'

Presidential Ham

In remembrance of upcoming President Day, this next web site is a tongue-in-cheek representation of portraits depicting US presidents past and present with their hams, (you heard right, hams).
Abraham Lincoln

Here is the link